Georgetown College is committed to the principle that student learning and student success are at the core of our institutional mission. We constantly collect data to measure how well we’re doing in meeting our goal of “providing an exceptional educational experience in a vibrant Christian community,” and we are justifiably proud of the data that shows that Georgetown College is “distinguished by its emphasis on outstanding teaching and mentoring.”

Measures of Student Achievement

  • It is the goal of Georgetown College to ensure that its students succeed academically at a level that is well above the average for liberal arts institutions. Each year, to measure our success at reaching that goal, Georgetown College seniors complete the nationally-normed Proficiency Profile examination. This test measures their success in acquiring key academic skills in reading, writing, critical thinking, and math, plus context based knowledge in humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. 


    “Transferring to Georgetown College was a really pleasant surprise, because there is such a tight sense of community. I feel really connected to my professors; I know all of them, and I can reach out to them at any time about anything. Honestly, I feel connected to my own education now, and it has made me value my education a lot more. Last semester I was on the Dean’s List! That has never happened before, but here I feel like everyone is working to help me succeed.”
     Victoria Smith, 2018


    • For details on the Proficiency Profile, click GC Proficiency Profile Report 2023-2024.pdf

      • Research shows that student success is strongly related to engagement with faculty, inside and outside of the classroom. As a result, Georgetown College works to achieve a very important goal: to ensure that its students have a high level of satisfaction with faculty mentorship, exceeding even what is seen at other national liberal arts colleges. The evidence shows that Georgetown College is successful at reaching this goal. The nationally-normed Student Satisfaction Inventory demonstrates that Georgetown College rates higher than other student-centered national liberal arts colleges when it comes to its students’ satisfaction with advising and mentorship provided by faculty.

        For the details, click here for the Student Satisfaction Inventory data: SSI Advising 2023.pdf

        • These core academic skills, combined with the support of engaged faculty, then help students find ways to improve their employment outcomes. Our Graves Center for Calling and Career prepares students for success during every step of the journey at Georgetown College, from discerning a profession that aligns with each student's individual talents and passions through the identification of majors and classes that help them build the right base of skills and knowledge to the search and application for full-time jobs or graduate/professional school. As an institution, we position our graduates for lives of personal fulfillment and professional success. Georgetown College has been recognized as the College with the best record in the state for the employment of graduates.Read more at


          • For details on Georgetown College being named the best college in Kentucky for getting a job, click here: (

          • For the Graves Center Report on student outcomes after graduation, click here: GC 2023 First Destinations Survey.pdf

          • For a summary of several graduate outcomes measures, click here: Grad Outcomes

        • Our goal for graduation rates is to exceed the averages for institutions in Kentucky—and we have met that goal. For overall data on enrollment, persistence, and graduation rates, please see the Retention Table from the College’s most recent President’s Report.

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